The Seril Dodge House
This elegant house was built by Seril Dodge between 1786 and 1789. Dodge had come to Providence in 1784 after serving an apprenticeship with Thomas Harland of Norwich, an important figure in Connecticut clockmaking.
The Seril Dodge House was sold to the heirs of Nicholas Brown in 1791, and in the east parlor, now on the bridge floor level, Hope Brown was married to Thomas Poynton Ives in 1792. The building was raised one story in 1906 for use by Adams Market and extensive alterations at that time eliminated original chimneys and fireplaces, but many original fixtures remain. The building was bought by the Art Club in 1919. Extensive renovations were completed in 1990, which included the restoration of the two original fireplace mantels bequeathed to the Club by Mrs. John Carter Brown Washburn. Thanks to a gift from a Club member, the Club now owns two silver spoons made by Seril Dodge.
Explore the other Buildings
The Fleur de Lys Building
Built in 1885, the building was designed by Sydney Richmond Burleigh with Providence architect Edmund R. Willson and is one of the most delightful in Providence.
The Deacon Edward Taylor House
The oldest house on the street stands next to the Seril Dodge Gallery, so close that you can touch the walls of both as you pass down the alley between them.
The Club House
Perhaps the first brick veneer structure in Providence, the three-story dwelling was built by Seril Dodge in 1790 and bought in 1799 by Moses Brown for his son Obadiah.