
Your Club has steadfastly maintained a high level of programming and exhibitions in the visual arts through wars, depressions, and other national emergencies. From the Club’s inception, there has been a spirit and culture of philanthropy among our members. We are continually grateful to those members whose thoughtful generosity has made it possible for the Club to increase both its programs and membership. As we look to the future, we are mindful of ever-increasing expenses, not the least of which is preserving and maintaining our four important and historic buildings. Additional resources to ensure the growth and sustainability of the Providence Art Club will become even more imperative as we go forward.

Ways to support the Art Club today

If you'd like to pay a different way to donate to our organization you may send a check to the Providence Art Club, 11 Thomas Street, Providence, RI, 02903. You can also give us a call, and we'd be happy to take your credit card payment over the phone.

Other ways to support the Art Club now... and into the future

The Joan Boghossian Birthday Gift Challenge

In celebration of your birthday — or the birthday of someone you love — we encourage you to make a lasting gift to the Providence Art Club.

In 2019, Joan Boghossian created this cherished tradition by celebrating a milestone birthday with a generous gift to the PAC. She challenged all of us to celebrate our birthdays with a gift to our beloved Club.

To take part in the Birthday Gift Challenge, during the month of your birthday send a check to the PAC designated to the Birthday Gift Challenge, ask that your bill reflect your gift, or click the button below to donate by credit card. The Board of Managers directs all birthday gifts to the PAC Endowment, to support the Club’s future health and prosperity.

Joan Boghossian, who passed away in September of 2021, was a much-lauded watercolorist and printmaker and the unofficial “Grande Dame” of the Providence Art Club, where for many years she kept a studio, taught, and supported up-and-coming artists.

Board member and Chair of the Art Committee Carol FitzSimonds has endorsed Joan’s challenge and offered these inspiring thoughts: Giving gifts to others on your birthday is a tradition in my family. I remember my grandfather Strause giving gifts on his birthday and treating all our huge family to a big feast out, his way of saying “I’m thankful to be here safe and prosperous among people I love.” I hope more members will donate to celebrate special occasions. The Club is such a unique, special place with amazing people. It's an institution to cherish and our responsibility to support it.

No gift is too small, and we thank all our Birthday Gift Challenge donors quarterly with a mention in the PAC newsletter.

Mortgage Retirement Fund

Providence Art Club Buildings

We are already over halfway toward our goal. Donations to this fund will contribute to retiring the mortgage on our historic buildings.

Providence Art Club Endowment Fund


Our endowment insures that our Club will be here for the future – in good times and in bad. You can give to the endowment today or plan a gift to be added in the future. Help provide a financial foundation and annual stream of income that supports PAC in perpetuity. The Art Club endowment is held at the Rhode Island Foundation.

Leave a Legacy -  The Florence B. Kane Society

The Florence B. Kane Society honors members who made provisions in their estate plans to provide a gift for the benefit of our beloved Club to carry out its mission “For Art Culture”. [More about Florence B. Kane]

Florence B. Kane

The Providence Art Club is a 501(C)3 non profit corporation. It is suggested that you discuss with your financial advisor the relative tax advantages of bequests, gifts of cash, securities, etc. for the present and ultimate benefit of the PAC.