Public Gathering: Thursday, September 15 at Market Square

Thursday September 15, 2022 | 5:30pm On September 15th, 2022, the Bannister Community Art Project Steering Committee teamed up with the Downtown Providence Parks Network to co-host and present an informative display at the projected build site. With approximately 50 people in attendance, attendees were treated to a performance of Edward Bannister himself in conjunction … Read more

Town Hall Meeting: Wednesday September 28th at Providence Art Club


Wednesday September 28, 2022 | 5:30pm - 7:30pm

 The Providence Art Club hosted a Town Hall Meeting in regards to the Bannister Community Art Project in their Maxwell Mays Gallery on Wednesday, September 28th from 5:30 - 7:30pm. This meeting was presented exclusively to the PAC Membership, where members were informed about the project's latest developments. Members also got to meet the project team's community partners, and learn more about the project's potential to expand our Club's impact and presence in the wider Providence arts scene.

Below you can learn more about the speakers from the event, review photos [coming soon], and view the video of the presentation [coming soon].

Speakers of the Evening

Nancy Gaucher-Thomas - Co-Chair of the Bannister Community Art Project

Nancy Gaucher-Thomas is an artist, arts consultant, administrator, and prominent advocate in the urban arts community of Providence. She is the founder of Art League RI and co-founder of Public Arts Works, two artist collaboratives that work to integrate art into public spaces to promote healing and inspiration in healthcare and public sector environments. As former President and a member of the Providence Art Club, Nancy has displayed a passion for this historic Club and its founder since she joined in 2005.

Jennifer Davis-Allison - Co-Chair of the Bannister Community Art Project

Jennifer Davis-Allison is the Principal of Partners Training & Consulting, a training and consulting services firm that focuses on enhancing the ability of individuals and organizations to tackle issues of growth and change in a highly competitive and diversified marketplace. As one of the founding members of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women (RI Chapter), Jennifer has a passion for advocating and promoting the health, education, and empowerment of black women, girls, and communities in Rhode Island.

Elizabeth A. Richards-Hegnauer - School Leader at Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts

Elizabeth Richards-Hegnauer is an artist, educator, and leader amongst the greater Rhode Island Arts & Education community. As current Head of School for the Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts, works with a fierce, dynamic, and optimistic force. As a founding administrator of TAPA, Elizabeth designed, built, and continues to nurture a thriving urban charter school that is recognized for its culture of respect, responsibility, and results.

Keith W. Stokes - Director of Business and Economic Development for the City of Providence

Keith Stokes is currently serving as the Director of Business and Economic Development for the City of Providence, where he works with community leaders to strategize projects to bring to the city that promote prosperity and cultural celebration. As Vice President of the 1696 Heritage Group, Keith is also dedicated to helping persons and institutions of color to increase their knowledge and access to the education of their true American heritage.

Ray Rickman - Executive Director of Stages of Freedom

Ray Rickman is the co-founder and Executive Director of Stages of Freedom, a nonprofit organization that dedicates its time to providing African American cultural programs to thousands of Rhode Islanders of all races.

Gregg Perry - on behalf of Barbara Papitto, Founder and Trustee of Papitto Opprtunity Connection

By investing in these communities through education, skills training, and entrepreneurship, POC Foundation dedicates its time to working with BIPOC individuals of all ages to jump-start their success from day one.

Gage Prentiss - Sculptor of the Bannister Statue

Town Hall Meeting: Wednesday April 6th at Brown University


The Brown University's Center for Public Humanities is located in the historic Nightingale-Brown House at 357 Benefit Street. It was founded as the John Nicholas Brown Center for the Study of American Civilization following the death of John Nicholas Brown in 1979, when his widow and children established an educational foundation to encourage study and research in American art, history, architecture, and historic preservation. In 1995, the Center became a part of Brown University, and in 2006 it became the headquarters of the public humanities program. In 2008, the Center changed its name to the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage to more accurately describe the work of the Center and the students in the public humanities program. Today, students, faculty, and staff at the Center work together to advance the field of public humanities through teaching, scholarship, and public programs.

Wednesday April 6, 2022 | 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Town Hall Meeting: Wednesday, Nov. 17th at Providence Art Club

In honor of Edward Mitchell Bannister, painter, abolitionist and philanthropist, a Town Hall meeting was held on November 17, 2021 at the Providence Art Club to help bring awareness of an exciting community art project that is currently underway. A committee has been formed to assist in the realization and installation of a public art sculpture in honor of Mr. Bannister. The goal of the meeting was to create a broader platform for community engagement to promote Bannister’s historic role through education programming, a call for public art and discussion for a Bannister scholarship.

Famously, he was the first known Black artist to win a prize in the U.S.—for his pastoral landscape Under the Oaks at the Centennial International Exhibition; America’s first World’s Fair, which was held in Philadelphia in 1876. Edward Bannister was a dynamic force, founder of the Providence Art Club and helped to transform Providence into a cultural powerhouse. Edward Mitchell and Christiana Carteaux Bannister created extraordinary institutions of art and culture that endure to this day. Now, an ambitious campaign has begun to create a stunning life-size sculpture of the renowned Edward Mitchell Bannister. Future Town Hall meetings will be announced. If you would like to be notified of the next meeting, please contact Nancy Gaucher-Thomas at