David Pinkham

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Wonder is a feeling of surprise mingled with delight at something perceived to be rare or unexpected.
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I am a former educator who has rediscovered photography. After years of not having access to a darkroom digital photography has allowed me to explore an art form that provides opportunities for creative expression, exploration and travel.

Getting to where I am today as an artist has not been without challenges. Digital photography can make almost anyone a photographer but not an artist. For the past twelve years I have enrolled in numerous classes/workshop to improve my ability to use a camera and to “develop” my images. However, true artistry comes from within and not from a camera. And it has been that journey in recent years that has been both challenging and rewarding.

No longer is a camera taking pictures for me. I am using the camera to take the pictures that I first feel and then see. Authenticity. I want to create art where the process starts in my soul and not in my head. My camera and the software applications on my computer are tools, like a paintbrush for a painter. These tools are the vehicles that help me express my vision of the world I see.

Anything that WOW's me.