Edward M. Bannister: The Artist and His Influences

Join Nancy Whipple Grinnell in this video presentation as she dives into the history of Edward Bannister and his influences. Heavily involved in the arts and history thereof, Nancy served as the Curator for the Newport Art Museum for 18 years. During that time she oversaw all curatorial affairs and produced over 200 historical and contemporary exhibitions. Since 2017, Grinnell's projects have included co-curating exhibitions at the Providence Art Club, and organizing exhibitions on Edward Bannister and George Whittaker for the Gilbert Stuart Museum in Southern Rhode Island.

In 1886, Edward Mitchell Bannister delivered a talk from a manuscript entitled 'The Artist and His Critics', the only known surviving document stating the artists philosophy. For this presentation, the title that was chosen is 'The Artist and His Influences', in order to discuss the multifaceted life and art of this important and talented 19th century painter, who was a black man during times of extreme racial prejudice.