Donations to the Bannister Community Art Project

Want to help with this project, but don't know how?

This is a digital rendering of the proposed sculpture at the project site at Market Square, along the Providence River.

Be part of history and help us celebrate Edward Mitchell Bannister by making a contribution to this exciting project

The Providence Art Club will serve as the Bannister project’s fiscal agent/administrator and will work with like-minded nonprofits, such as RISD, to develop programs that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. This community-wide art project will create a broader platform for community engagement and promote Bannister’s historic role through educational programming, a call for public art, and discussion of a Bannister scholarship.

Donations made payable and sent to Providence Art Club
(fiscal agent for the Bannister Project)

11 Thomas Street, Providence, RI 02903

or online at:

For additional information please contact
Nancy Gaucher-Thomas at (401) 222-0619

If you are not able to donate by credit card you may send a check to the Providence Art Club, 11 Thomas Street, Providence, RI, 02903 and indicate that it is for the Bannister Project.